Tuesday, December 18, 2018

 Assignment 29.2 Styles, Convections and Techniques of Music Videos 
Joao Carlos Andrade
Live Concert
Live concert is the live perfromace infront of audience as this is not staged with no editing involved just the artist and sound system. Example of live concert is Lil Peep Star Shopping Live
Stop motion animation is animation that is physically moved in real life and picture gets taken to create frames of the animation then when combing all the frames together creates a animation. Example of stop motion animation is A Stop-motion Music Video by Ainslie Henderson.
Digital animation is the creation of computer formed designs with no real life context such as stop motion animation as it is all made on the computer. Example of digital animation is Mr Traumatik Question Everything.
Interpretive music video pushes the listners to investigate deeper into the song, by means of the use of narrative as it isn't lifted literally from the lyrics as the connection between the song and the video will not be obvious. Example of intrerpretive music video can be Kate Perry Firework.
Illustractive is when music video is uses its lyrics to translate into the visuals of its music video as the lyrics are taken literal . My example of Illstructive is the music video Stan by the former rapper Eminem.
Surrealist/surrealism is the breaking the boundary within reality as it dives eeper into fantasy and dream like state as the use of imagery is key within a surrealist music video. Example of this can be ASAP Rocky LSD Music Video.
A parody is exaggerated style of another artist or particular scene within a movie or show. Example of a Parody is Eminem Just loose it.
Extending or consolidating song's
Extending or consolidating song's is the visuals within the music video as its symbolises the meaning within the song as well as adding more meaning towards the song by further explaining the song in a visual manner.

Lyric Interpretation
Lyric Interpretation is the definition and meaning of the lyrics within the song as the lyrics can really be focused on within the music video. The lyrics also brings the audience to focus and apprecistion for the song.
Extending or consolidating song's
Extending or consolidating song's is the visuals within the music video as its symbolises the meaning within the song as well as adding more meaning towards the song by further explaining the song in a visual mannor.
Allusion is the use of reference within a song as this reference can be anything from movies all the way to past history as it can be a direct or indirect reference allowing the audience to put together reference. As allusion can show different sides of the artist other then main representation of themselves.
Links to other artists
Linking other artist within the artists song as sometimes this can be used as a diss towards other musical artists. Example of linking to other artists is Mr Traumatik Verbahal GBH 4.

Lip Sync
Lip sync is when the musical artist does not sing as they just move there lips with the music as it has to be sync. Example of lip sync is Paul Simon - You can Call Me Al.
Multi Image
Multi image is when there is multiple images within one screen at once as a good example of this is Broccoli by Big Baby D.R.A.M. feat. Lil Yachty 
Chroma Key
Chroma key is a technique that allows to digitalize a image or video within the background often known as green screen. Example of a Chroma key is Michael Jackson Don’t stop til you get enough.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Recap Lesson 

Name three purposes of commercial radio

  • To advertise to radio listeners a product or service 
  • Selling news cast

List three styles of commercial radio

  • Sports 
  • Shock
  • Humour 
  • Repetition 
  • Intertextuality 

List three persuasive devices used in commercial radio

  • Characters 
  • Narrative 
  • Music Sound 
  • Diegetic and Non diegetic 

List at least two regulators -  specify what they can do + why (Terms)

  • ASA Advertising Standards Authority 
  • Water Shed 
  • Ofcom- Remove or change advertise 
  • Radio Centre- Check all scripts before airing the information

Golden Rules

  • Inform
  • Persuade 
  • Sell

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Harry's Everything I Have Learnt Essay

Gratification for marketing as they use first- and second-hand research as I have learnt they go through research before releasing the movie or TV show as primary research could be survey, questionnaire etc.

Within Iconography I have learnt that Iconography is the language used when represented by visuals which in simplicity is certain objects or commonly linked as a very important aspect within genre. As certain objects within these TV shows or movies as genres such as Horror; murder weapon, a haunted location in some cases, a mask or disfigured face and death symbols such as blood and bodies. As the iconography is mise-en-scene is the genre indicators

Media represents the world as it really is because the constructs meanings about the world they change or mediate what really is there as I have learnt this through representation of media. Representation is concerned with the way that people, ideas and events are presented to us. What appears on our screens are calculated researches that businesses make before releasing their product to the public.

In textuality is form of linking other media text within the production of the show or film as example of this could be the use of Star Wars within the Simpson or Family Guy as people will automatically refer to other media texts.

A selective representation of variety as this is obvious in newspapers, where the form is completely different from the events, but less in television series, which often succeed as a typical representation of reality of media often uses stereotypes to appeal to social groups.

Stereotyping has always suggested to categories people which is wrong as in the place media it has been fundamental process for humans to make any sort of sense of this world we live in. As one statement I have learnt from Harry is that everything is a canvas and combination of different colours of paint as this stay with me as I do enjoy my creative work.

Stereotypes and Countertypes
‘Sex’ refers to the biological and physiological characteristics which define men and women. As ‘Gender’ refers to the socially constructed and attributes that a green society considers appropriate for men and women.  

Masculinity and Felinity
Gender and representation of gender is tired up with ideas of masculinity and felinity as society treats people who do not conform to gender views as i.e. men who are feminising and women who are masculine. ‘Masculinity’ is a concept that is rigid stereotypes than feminist. Male characters often represented as isolated, as not needing to rely on others. It is interesting to note that the male physique is becoming more important in part of the representation.  

Denoted is the description when images are used and described using technical elements as commoted is to explain how the images might be interpreted.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Auteur Theory
Tim Burton

Auteur is a director who often has similar styles within each of the characters they create with a similarity of each as they may use similar themes, Mise on Scene, Actors/Actresses. As the different
directors see the specific style of that director. As the viewer just, sees the same actor used.

 Tim Burton is a director who originated from California as he is acknowledged for his production of Charlie in Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands and many other great titles as his combination within styles is often gothic fiction with fantasy. Within Burtons production of films, he contains identical creepy feel to his characters as the repetition of the theme of darkness as he tends to twist story line plots.

Within in most of Tim Burton films produced you will often see actors such as Johnny Depp as he has casted in seven titles directed by Mr Burton such as; Charlie in Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, Alice and Wonderland to name a few. As Tim Burton has built this relationship with Johnny Depp over the years of him directing his movies.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Commercial Radio

Within this essay I will be going through the purpose within commercial radio as I will go through various examples, along with the advantage and disadvantage of a commercial radio.

Commercial radio is a format of marketing as this though the use of radio as companies often buy specific slots of time within the commercial of radio to advertise their service or product. As radio marketing consists of professional voicing as this form of advertising is audio only, as prescript must be written to be read by artist or celebrity often with background music. Radio stations often only make funding from advertising as other ways maybe being sponsored by a business. Radio stations give businesses identity to the public as they enhance their brand as it becomes cheaper than any TV marketing. As by doing research within your audience for your product or business you would know the best radio station to market your product or business as also the best times to market them to particular target market. As different radio stations apply to different target markets as different formats as well as some are more formal then others as often radio stations that are formal appeal to older groups.

Disadvantage within advertising through commercial radio is non-visualization of the product as when researching this I found out maturity of United Kingdom learn by visualization meaning marketing is better if the consumer can see it. Another disadvantage of marketing through commercial radio is that the listeners are there to tune into the talk or music as they often largely dislike marketing advertisements interrupting there music meaning they may not buy into the product or change radio stations.

Another purpose of Commercial Radio is to share information as many radio listeners are drivers as local radios often share traffic and incidents reports within the area as they recommend avoid those areas for all their listeners.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Task One Film in Theory
Structuralism is the belief that everything has structure as each have system that is above the main, meaning there is something more.
Example of structuralism 

This a studies from society as this is could be linked to something else as definition by media 101 is 'sign is anything that can convey meaning'. 
Example of Semiotics 

Feminism is variety of established female movement within the society as also they stand for equality between sexes. 
Example of Feminism

Marxism within media include concept referring to two opposite views within society.
Example of Marxism

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

All About Me

All About Me

I am Joao Carlos Andrade also known as JC, I have adopted the name JC since I was young as people often find it difficult to say my name specifically with it being Portuguese spelling as I am Portuguese as my family come from Madeira. Madeira is small island near Portugal and was named Madeira because when it was found, it was full of wood which in Portuguese is Madeira. I can speak three languages including English, Spanish and Portuguese fluently as I have grown around multiple languages.

Personally, I revel in creative work including interactive work as that is how I learn best also known as kinetic learner. Through the duration of my life I have had eczema including senses of large amount of panic in situation of examination. I am currently studying Media,Graphics and Health and Social Care with all these subjects I still find time to do what I love which is spending time with friends and mountain biking as I try to go on a trail every two weeks. I enjoy reading crime books and scientific researches as at the moment I am reading 'How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics' which is a great read if your into mind inspiring books. Before beginning to read this I finished the Napoleon Hill book 'Think and Grow Rich' as I am into motivating and inspiring books as well.

I love helping others and interacting with others as that is something I have been good at since a very young age. As I like to think I am very sociable and definitely very easy to talk to. Another fact of me is that I have worked with last two mayors of Croydon including on work experience and spare time.
I have a variety of music tastes from; old school rock, modern day rapping including old school rapping as well as Portuguese music.

I achieved a total of six GCSE's being; Science Core C,Science Additional C, Mathematics 4/C,English Literature and Language C with my best subject being design technology where i achieved A both in my coursework and exam to final build of my project which was Artist Storage Unit  as I stated before I am better working with my hands then sitting down for hours looking at words. I have never been good at examinations as I often panic under pressure of exam as until GCSE's I could barely sit through a exam but now I have come to realization that life is too short to be stressing over something I have to do so I may as well give it my best shot and if it doesn't result the way I would like it to then there is better things to come in life then sitting exams.

I will look forward to gaining knowledge from both Marina and Harry and for the year ahead as I hope to maintain my work ethic to the very best I possible can.

JC Andrade