Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Harry's Everything I Have Learnt Essay

Gratification for marketing as they use first- and second-hand research as I have learnt they go through research before releasing the movie or TV show as primary research could be survey, questionnaire etc.

Within Iconography I have learnt that Iconography is the language used when represented by visuals which in simplicity is certain objects or commonly linked as a very important aspect within genre. As certain objects within these TV shows or movies as genres such as Horror; murder weapon, a haunted location in some cases, a mask or disfigured face and death symbols such as blood and bodies. As the iconography is mise-en-scene is the genre indicators

Media represents the world as it really is because the constructs meanings about the world they change or mediate what really is there as I have learnt this through representation of media. Representation is concerned with the way that people, ideas and events are presented to us. What appears on our screens are calculated researches that businesses make before releasing their product to the public.

In textuality is form of linking other media text within the production of the show or film as example of this could be the use of Star Wars within the Simpson or Family Guy as people will automatically refer to other media texts.

A selective representation of variety as this is obvious in newspapers, where the form is completely different from the events, but less in television series, which often succeed as a typical representation of reality of media often uses stereotypes to appeal to social groups.

Stereotyping has always suggested to categories people which is wrong as in the place media it has been fundamental process for humans to make any sort of sense of this world we live in. As one statement I have learnt from Harry is that everything is a canvas and combination of different colours of paint as this stay with me as I do enjoy my creative work.

Stereotypes and Countertypes
‘Sex’ refers to the biological and physiological characteristics which define men and women. As ‘Gender’ refers to the socially constructed and attributes that a green society considers appropriate for men and women.  

Masculinity and Felinity
Gender and representation of gender is tired up with ideas of masculinity and felinity as society treats people who do not conform to gender views as i.e. men who are feminising and women who are masculine. ‘Masculinity’ is a concept that is rigid stereotypes than feminist. Male characters often represented as isolated, as not needing to rely on others. It is interesting to note that the male physique is becoming more important in part of the representation.  

Denoted is the description when images are used and described using technical elements as commoted is to explain how the images might be interpreted.

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