Tuesday, December 18, 2018

 Assignment 29.2 Styles, Convections and Techniques of Music Videos 
Joao Carlos Andrade
Live Concert
Live concert is the live perfromace infront of audience as this is not staged with no editing involved just the artist and sound system. Example of live concert is Lil Peep Star Shopping Live
Stop motion animation is animation that is physically moved in real life and picture gets taken to create frames of the animation then when combing all the frames together creates a animation. Example of stop motion animation is A Stop-motion Music Video by Ainslie Henderson.
Digital animation is the creation of computer formed designs with no real life context such as stop motion animation as it is all made on the computer. Example of digital animation is Mr Traumatik Question Everything.
Interpretive music video pushes the listners to investigate deeper into the song, by means of the use of narrative as it isn't lifted literally from the lyrics as the connection between the song and the video will not be obvious. Example of intrerpretive music video can be Kate Perry Firework.
Illustractive is when music video is uses its lyrics to translate into the visuals of its music video as the lyrics are taken literal . My example of Illstructive is the music video Stan by the former rapper Eminem.
Surrealist/surrealism is the breaking the boundary within reality as it dives eeper into fantasy and dream like state as the use of imagery is key within a surrealist music video. Example of this can be ASAP Rocky LSD Music Video.
A parody is exaggerated style of another artist or particular scene within a movie or show. Example of a Parody is Eminem Just loose it.
Extending or consolidating song's
Extending or consolidating song's is the visuals within the music video as its symbolises the meaning within the song as well as adding more meaning towards the song by further explaining the song in a visual manner.

Lyric Interpretation
Lyric Interpretation is the definition and meaning of the lyrics within the song as the lyrics can really be focused on within the music video. The lyrics also brings the audience to focus and apprecistion for the song.
Extending or consolidating song's
Extending or consolidating song's is the visuals within the music video as its symbolises the meaning within the song as well as adding more meaning towards the song by further explaining the song in a visual mannor.
Allusion is the use of reference within a song as this reference can be anything from movies all the way to past history as it can be a direct or indirect reference allowing the audience to put together reference. As allusion can show different sides of the artist other then main representation of themselves.
Links to other artists
Linking other artist within the artists song as sometimes this can be used as a diss towards other musical artists. Example of linking to other artists is Mr Traumatik Verbahal GBH 4.

Lip Sync
Lip sync is when the musical artist does not sing as they just move there lips with the music as it has to be sync. Example of lip sync is Paul Simon - You can Call Me Al.
Multi Image
Multi image is when there is multiple images within one screen at once as a good example of this is Broccoli by Big Baby D.R.A.M. feat. Lil Yachty 
Chroma Key
Chroma key is a technique that allows to digitalize a image or video within the background often known as green screen. Example of a Chroma key is Michael Jackson Don’t stop til you get enough.

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