Monday, February 25, 2019

26.2 ‘Old Films for New’
Explain the relationship between films and their production contexts with reference to detailed illustrative examples and generally correct use of subject terminology

Within this assignment I will be discussing two films of same title which is the Italian Job. I will be analysing the original Italian Job and the remake as I discuss the two.

Within the original production of Italian Job, it shows Britain in the 1960’s as the budget for the film came to a total of £2326830000 which is total of $3000, 000,000. Oakhurst Productions was the company which made the film which is a Scottish company which is also known for ‘Robbery’, ‘Perfect Friday as the company was made by the former actor Stanley Baker as they do not produce films anymore.  The change within Britain is shown within ‘Italian Job’ as people’s views were changing during that time as political views on government and new type of music flooding in. As also the comedy soon changed as well.
Remake of the Italian Job was produced by the American film De Line Pictures as distributed by Paramount Pictures. Within the remake of the Italian Job they had estimated of sixty million budgets compared to previous Italian Job which was three million as remake had a lot of promotion for the film increases its box office. Remake brought in a total of hundred seventy-six million according to box office statistics. 
Poor countries often release poorly made films as these countries are known as developing countries as often their budget is not as large as other countries. They also often use realism within their films/shows through their films. Often these countries come together to produce one film as this is known as international co-productions as often this is done because these countries do not have large budget on its own so it combines with other countries in same position.
In the original Italian Job was directed by the director Peter Collinson which is known for his work on other masterpieces such as ‘The Penthouse’. Peter often shows his personality within his films as the remake was directed by Gary Gary which is American director as also known for his other works such as Friday, Fate of the Furious and many other masterpieces. As within original is based in United Kingdom in 1960’s but the remake is based in United States of America in the 20thCentury. Both of these films fall under Independent films as these are professionally made as they show the director personality within the movies.
As I researched some important aspects of making a great film, I found financial determination which is quantity of the budget of the film as often larger budget creates large amount of aspects to be implemented within the film as less restrictions with the production of the film.
Within the original Italian Job, they had a budget of three million as at the time that the film was produced this was a large budget compared to the other films produced during that same era. As within the remake they had sixty million as this is twenty times the amount of budget then the original as in personal opinion, I prefer the original as I have always been a big fan of Michael Caine acting as I believe the original is master piece that won't be forgotten for generations to come.
Technology has affected production of films as development is shown through the original and remake as example of this is special effects within original compared to the remake which has a lot of more special effects within it. Another example which is most clear, no pun intended but the quality of the film as remake can be seen in 720phd as original obviously quality is a lot less.
Italian Job original contains themes of sixties with it being the clothing or vehicles within the film such as Mini Cooper which also grew the popularity of the film, example of clothing is the suits that is worn by all the characters within film. 
The genres of the original ‘Italian Job’ are Action/Comedy/Crime. The genres of the remake are Action/Crime/Thriller. The two films had a lot of stars in them but both had big stars playing Charlie Croker’s in the original ‘Michael Caine’ and the remake had ‘Mark Wahlberg’. Although the remake did have a few more big names such as Jason Statham and Seth Green.

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